Member Training and Development
Date |
Session |
Attendance |
11/08/2021 |
Audit Committee - PPE Valuation |
4 |
13/10/2021 |
Planning Committee - Minerals and Waste Policy |
9 |
21/10/2021 |
Whole Council Forum on Ashdown Forest |
16 |
19/11/2021 |
Audit Committee Treasury |
6 |
23/11/2021 |
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Leadership |
11 |
29/11/2021 |
East Sussex in Figures |
13 |
10/12/2021 |
Council Finances and Understanding the Budget Setting Process |
15 |
15/12/2021 |
Regulatory Committee Village Greens |
6 |
10/01/2022 |
Data Protection and Elected Representatives |
22 |
01/02/2022 |
East Sussex Highways |
25 |
11/02/2022 & 28/02/2022 |
Effective Scrutiny |
18 |
18/02/2022 |
Emergency Planning |
12 |
21/02/2022 |
Economic Development |
13 |
16/03/2022 |
Transport Implications of Development Proposals |
10 |
12/04/2022 |
Waste Service |
12 |
13/04/2022 |
Planning Monitoring and Enforcement Training |
13 |
27/04/2022 & 06/05/2022 |
Climate Awareness |
25 |
15/06/2022 |
Planning and Archaeology |
14 |
20/06/2022 & 20/09/2022 |
Digital Footprints |
14 |
29/06/2022 & 13/09/22 |
Community Safety Partnership Working |
5 |
13/07/2022 |
Biodiversity |
20 |
15/09/2022 |
Confidentiality and the Code of Conduct |
12 |
23/09/2022 |
Strategic Risk Management (Audit Committee) |
7 |
23/09/2022 |
Counter Fraud (Audit Committee) |
7 |
26/09/2022 |
Let's Talk Eqaulity |
8 |
19/10/2022 |
Flood Risk Management |
17 |
21/10/2022 |
Armed Forces Covenant |
14 |
28/10/2022 & 01/11/2022 |
Local Transport Plan Briefing |
22 |
04/11/2022 |
East Sussex as a Place |
14 |
05/12/2022 |
Let's Talk Wellbeing |
8 |
09/12/2022 |
Scrutiny Leadership |
5 |
06/02/2023 |
Making Sense of the Census |
13 |
27/02/2023 |
Digital Tools |
9 |
08/03/2023 |
ESCC Map Viewers |
12 |
14/03/2023 |
Climate Change Update |
16 |
21/03/2023 |
Questioning Skills |
5 |
31/03/2023 |
Strategic Risk Deep Dive |
6 |
28/04/2023 |
Fiduciary Duty |
11 |
26/06/2023 |
Getting the most out of Microsoft Outlook Workshop |
3 |
28/06/2023 |
Exploring the latest 2021 Census Results |
6 |
12/07/2023 |
Planning Reform |
14 |
27/09/2023 |
Member Interests and the Code of Conduct |
7 |
29/09/2023 |
The Role of Public Health in Local Government |
12 |
12/10/2023 |
Climate Change Update and Q&A |
11 |
18/10/2023 |
Landscape and Planning |
4 |
19/10/2023 |
Getting the most out of Microsoft Outlook Workshop |
4 |